IT’S BACK! Calling all ocean-loving, marine-minded, adventure-seeking Indigenous youth to come and experience a 10-day Ocean-based Learning program. Enjoy fun-filled days exploring coastal waters and soaking up STEAM activities at the Huntsman Marine Science Centre, followed by snorkeling adventures through breathtaking eel-grass meadows on the white sand beaches of Mi’kma’ki’s south shore and sea-kayaking around the LaHave Islands.


Date: August 19-28, 2024

Drop off location:
12-12:30 pm at the McDonald’s Restaurant, located at 222 Main St, Sackville, NB

Pick up Location:
Ulnooweg Education Centre Office
5121 Sackville Street – Suite 401
Halifax, Nova Scotia

For: Indigenous Youth ages 15-18

Cost: FREE. All accommodations including travel, meals and hotel are covered for participants.

Registration for Oceans Camp 2024 is open!

White sandy beach with red, blue, and yellow kayaks

_Archived 2024 Oceans Camp Registration
This program is for ocean-loving, marine-minded, adventure-seeking Indigenous youth living in Atlantic Canada.
If the participant doesn’t have a phone, you can put the parent phone number here.

Parent/Guardian Information

If different than above, this is to ensure we have all the contact details in case of an emergency.
We ask this in case of any medical emergency.
This can be the participant or the caregiver’s band or status number. In case of any medical emergency, this information may be requested by hospitals for health insurance purposes.
Please elaborate on any condition that may affect your child’s ability to participate in activities. This can be physical, mental, or behavioural.
Ulnooweg is not permitted to administer medicine to your participant. Staff are permitted to store medications and supervise your participant when they are taking medicine. Please notify Ulnooweg of any medications that are brought to the program so that we can ensure the participant health and behavioural information is current.
Please have the participant fill out this question.
Please feel free to take the time to further provide things that interest your youth or what their future aspirations might be to help us better guide and engage your youth while in our care.